Last updated on January 3rd, 2021 at 09:05 am
When selecting high-end Artistic Glass Countertops for your Kitchen or Bath remodel, please consider just how much of a difference a custom texture created to artistically “flow” with your room can make in the way the space is perceived. Our sole mission at Downing Designs is to take our vast experience in the artistic design of custom glass countertops and create something dramatic for our clientele. We understand that you have many choices in the selection of your countertops. However, we do not recommend mundane EVER. Life is way too short. Most people spend a considerable amount of time in their kitchens…why not make yourself comfortable? Moreover, with the open space design inherent in modern homes, why not create an artistic pattern in the glass countertop that integrates well with the surrounding rooms? For the same price as boring glass textures that everyone else has, we create artistic patterns that really make a difference in how your home feels and looks.
Take a look at the picture below. This glass countertop design flows naturally in the same direction as people strolling from the front door to the kitchen space and dock. Much like a flowing river of water. It has a direct connection to the room architecture. It has a direct connection with the personality of this waterfront space. It is calming. It is beautiful. It feels right. Its functional. Its MAGICAL!!!
Artistically Designed Flowing Glass Countertop with LED’s
You cannot get that with an an ordinary piece of glass which has NO direct connection to your home, made in some foreign factory with a glass mold that is used over and over.
It would never had made such a powerful design statement as the custom contours in our glass textures. That difference is exactly why we make CUSTOM glass countertops each one infused with the individual personality of the home and client…and offer far superior value for an admittedly expensive countertop.
Our high bar composition also carefully synchronized with the lower bar design. Again, thoughtful design for the same price as mundane.
Our implementation of LED’s and SORAA down-lights is also very experienced. Notice how there is no shadow in front of the sink. That’s because we added a very small strip in front of the sink with its own controller. We set the brightness to ~5% of the power of the rear LED with our Bluetooth app to make the intensities match. This allows maximum enjoyment of the piece without the distraction of shadows.
The growth we are experiencing at Downing Designs is a direct result of our holistic design/build/install approach to remodeling. Jeff Downing meets with 100% of his clients for the initial interview, presents several initial sketches, creates the glass in alignment with the sketch, and leads the installation team onsite. Much like a high-quality tailor, we offer you a very hands-on experience in this process….and…we prefer that you participate in the kiln-carving so you can get a “free preview” of the design. We note that our clients take great joy in the daily use of our glass countertops. They are vibrant. They can be color coded and softened to enhance the mood. No other countertop can offer such a visual treat when entertaining your guests. Our clients desire high quality DISTINCTIVE artistic elements for their homes which often resemble art galleries. Read our reviews here...they are amazing!
Jeff Downing
(813) 784 5211 cell