Last updated on April 13th, 2022 at 02:06 pm
Downing Designs fabricates and ships creative Custom Floating Glass Sinks all over the USA from our Tampa, Florida design center. Our clients are as diverse as they come, and we never know what to expect when our clients reach out to us to capture their vision in a custom glass sink.
Recently, we have had the pleasure of working with Gino Palma from the Facci Restaurant in Laurel, Maryland. Gino found our pictures on the internet and he called to discuss his needs, worked on specifics of size, color, theme and set about the interactive textural design process with him. He needed 2 sinks…one for Mens room and one for the Ladies room. We wanted them to look familiar yet different in their look. Both were to be 60″ x 23″ and had to accommodate ADA installation practices.
What we (pleasantly) discover in this business is there are some people that want our insight into the creation of the glass textures to complement the flow of their bathrooms…are then there are the men like Gino that are extremely passionate about everything they do…right down to his restaurant bathroom sink design. You can tell from his menu that his style of Italian cuisine is as creative as his penchant for designing textured glass. He sent us several drawings and we took it from there.
In our interactive design process described here, feedback is critical to obtaining the design our clients desire, and Gino really relished the ability to create his glass sink textures exactly how he envisioned them…including a scale replica of his logo. We kicked off and send a few sketches his way, and he returned fire with his own. We scaled them to the exact size of the piece, and created a scale plastic model of his Olive logo
and stamped our sand bed with it…then carved the sand around it. Before placing the ½” glass atop the kiln sand bed, we sent him pics for approval and he was delighted to see his drawing come to 3-D life.
From there we simply execute our clients design and fired the textured glass sink basins. They turned out very beautiful and have a very fun flow. It is important and fun for us to learn from other peoples ideas…and how they can infuse glass designs with their personality, and Gino is Exhibit A. Distance is no barrier to designing the glass texture you desire, and we have executed many client designs from out of state and out of country.
Our secure crating and shipping service ensures that our product arrives 100% intact.
We waterjetted the glass to size and fitted them to the white concrete sinks, added LEDs, and Voila!
What follows below is the process of discovery, interaction, and execution of his concept into reality.
Please enjoy and we are here to entertain your ideas on custom glass sinks for your home or restaurant as well.
We will update this blog as soon as these sinks are installed in Maryland.
Jeff Downing
(813) 784 5211
Facci Restaurant Menu
Textured Glass Drawing
Textured Glass Sink design
Textured Sand Bed in Kiln pre-firing
Textured Sand Bed in Kiln pre-firing #2
Glass Sink for Facci Restaurant #1
Custom Textured Glass Sink for Facci Restaurant with LED light